Textile collage
11 items found
2023 Strings of attachment

2023 I love you too

2023 In between. How long?

In between. How long? 2023Textile, felt, magnets150 x 160 cm"In Between. How Many?" is a textile collage about Ukrainian refugees...
2016 Dreaming about body transformation

Dreaming about body transformationEmbroidered textile2016
2017 Our games

2020 Summer time

2020embroidered textile
2015 White man

2012-2015 Man`s world

Group exhibition Textus Exhibition view Business relationshipsEmbroidered textile120x90cm, 2012 Business relationshipsEmbroidered textile120x90cm, 2012 Sometimes the freedom lies in the submission....
2021 The Lady with the Dog

When the lockdown in Canada was strict, itwas only possible to go out with your dog after 21:00. One woman...
2019 Gerold Brenner

Instalattion view: “Gerold Brenner”, 2019, textile, 150 x 160 cm “Interference(s)”, Semester exhibition; Zurich University of the Arts For the...